Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Exchange Server 2010: Improvements for ActiveSync and Outlook Mobile

In Exchange 2010, the mail server of the Office suite, ActiveSync function receives several enhancements.

First there is the possibility of establishing a list of terminals allowed or blocked. The updates for Outlook Mobile will be able to push from Windows Mobile 6.1, and therefore its replacement.

Most interesting is that the Exchange server can actually push out a new version of Outlook over the air to Windows Mobile 6.1, meaning older devices wont be left out of the party.

Other useful features are SMS sync and the ability to send SMS messages from Outlook, threaded e-mail views, streaming and transcription of voice mail, and free and busy status views.

Manageability of mobile devices have also been improved, with the ability to blacklist devices and block whole classes of devices, meaning insecure backdoor devices like the iPhone 3G can be stopped even before they log on to the network.


Outlook Mobile rightly regard, the presentation of emails has been very careful in order to gain clarity. It may for example distinguish between messages that have been answered and that was followed. Nicknames linked to addresses are allowed to simplify shipments to recipients with whom one is most often. Voice mails are no longer presented as links to download, just start playing.

They are transcribed directly in the message body for a more discreet.

No Internet Explorer with Windows 7 in Europe

Regulatory - Microsoft announced on 12 of June that its next OS commercialize without Internet Explorer in the European Union. The European Commission called it several browsers that are preinstalled in the OS to allow consumer choice.

Modified-While the investigation by the European authorities on the tying of Windows and Internet Explorer follows its course, Microsoft has tried to reduce the scope by announcing a strong gesture.

On October 22 next, Windows 7 will be marketed without the Internet Explorer within the European Union. "Given the current court proceedings, we decided instead to include Windows Internet Explorer 7 in Europe, we offer separately and on a user-friendly to both manufacturers and users of computers, "said Dave Heiner, the deputy legal director of the firm.

Microsoft refocuses on the charge manufacturers to install Internet Explorer

The publisher recommends manufacturers to preinstall Internet Explorer 8 and / or one or several other browsers before placing it on the shelves. it does not renounce to play its relations with PC manufacturers to remain high on the machines sold.

Besides the side of Opera, no mistake. For the technical director of the Norwegian Opera publisher, Interviewed by Computer World, Microsoft said that it just encourages manufacturers to install their own Internet Explorer, and therefore, for users, the change will remain nonexistent.

Moreover, according Hakon Wium, Microsoft did not specify what specific component of the browser will actually be removed from Windows. Microsoft has not promised not to push then download the browser via the update service from Windows. Just begun a process. Internet Explorer 8 is currently available in Windows Update as update level "significant."

Things are going to stop there? Probably not.

The surprise decision will not be the desired effect. As the Commission noted in a statement following the announcement, his recommendation was the integration of multiple browsers in the Microsoft OS so that consumers have a choice.

The European Commission has not yet delivered its opinion on how Microsoft has responded to its "grievance." It has also to send a questionnaire to PC manufacturers to see if Microsoft was trying to put pressure on them to push to promote its browser.

These answers will depend very much following the procedure. And the decision by Microsoft to sell Windows without Internet Explorer 7 could be interpreted as a new hegemonic attitude.
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