How To Improve Browsing Performance In Internet Explorer.
The most common cause of poor performance in Internet Explorer is large pictures, sounds, videos, or other multimedia files that appear or are played automatically when you access a Web page. If you are using a slow connection to access the Internet, these files may take a long time to appear or be played.
To improve browsing performance in Internet Explorer, you can prevent pictures, sounds, videos, and other multimedia files from appearing or being played automatically when you access Web pages. To do so, use the appropriate method.
Internet Explorer versions 5, 5.5, and 6
1. Start Internet Explorer, and then click Internet Options on the Tools menu.
2. On the Advanced tab, click to clear one or more of the following check boxes in the Multimedia area:
Show Pictures (prevents pictures from appearing automatically)
Play Sounds (prevents sounds from being played automatically)
Play Videos (prevents videos from being played automatically)
Play Animations (prevents animations from being played automatically)
3. Click Apply.
4. Disable the AutoComplete feature for forms and passwords:
a. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
b. Click the Content tab, and then click AutoComplete.
c. Click to clear the Forms and User names and passwords on forms check boxes, click OK, and then click OK.
5. Click the Security tab, and then click Custom Level.
6. Click Disable for one or more of the items in the following Active Content areas:
•ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins (prevents Internet Explorer from automatically using items that show active content)
•Java (prevents Internet Explorer from viewing Java programs automatically)
NOTE: If you disable ActiveX, Java, and scripting, you may not be able to view Web sites that use these features.
7. Click OK, and then click OK.
Internet Explorer 4.x
- Start Internet Explorer, and then click Internet Options on the View menu.
- On the Advanced tab, click to clear one or more of the following check boxes in the Multimedia area:
Show Pictures (prevents pictures from appearing automatically)
Play Sounds (prevents sounds from being played automatically)
Play Videos (prevents videos from being played automatically)
- Click Apply.
4. Click the Security tab, click Custom, and then click Settings.
5. Click Disable for one or more of the items in the following Active Content areas:
ActiveX Controls and Plug-ins (prevents Internet Explorer from by design using items that show active content)
Java (prevents Internet Explorer from viewing Java programs automatically)
6. Click OK.
Internet Explorer 3.x
1. Start Internet Explorer, and then click Options on the View menu
2. On the General tab, click to clear one or more of the following check boxes in the Multimedia area:
Show Pictures (prevents pictures from appearing automatically)
Play Sounds (prevents sounds from being played automatically)
Play Videos (prevents videos from being played automatically)
Click the Security tab, and then click to clear one or more of the following check boxes in the Active Content area:
Allow Downloading Of Active Content (prevents Internet Explorer from loading animations and other multimedia files automatically)
Enable ActiveX Controls And Plug-ins (prevents Internet Explorer from automatically using items that show active content)3. Run ActiveX Scripts (prevents ActiveX scripts from running automatically)
Enable Java Programs (prevents Internet Explorer from viewing Java programs automatically)
NOTE: If you disable ActiveX, Java, and scripting, you may not be able to view Web sites that use these features.
4. Click OK.
Windows and System settings
You can also modify some Windows and system settings that may help improve browsing performance in Internet Explorer. The following methods may help improve browsing performance in Internet Explorer.
Hard disk optimization
You can use the Disk Cleanup tool to free some hard disk space. Additional disk space may help improve browsing performance for Internet Explorer.
For additional information about the Disk Cleanup tool and how to free hard disk space, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
You can also use ScanDisk to check the hard disk for problems that may be using disk space. To use ScanDisk:
- Make sure the hard disk is not running in MS-DOS Compatibility mode. To check this:
- Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click the System icon, and then click the Performance tab.
- In the Performance status box, check for items that show MS-DOS Compatibility mode. For additional information about troubleshooting MS-DOS Compatibility mode issues, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
- Click Start, click Run, type scandisk in the Open box, and then click OK.
- Click the drive you want to scan, and then click Start
Windows virtual memory
Allow Windows to manage the virtual memory on your computer. To enable virtual memory:
1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click System, click the Performance tab, and then click Virtual Memory.
3. Click Let Windows manage my virtual memory settings. (Recommended).
4. Click OK, click Close, and then click Yes when you are prompted to restart your computer.
Video adapter driver and resolution
Updating your video adapter driver or lowering the display resolution may help improve browsing in Internet Explorer. Check with the manufacturer of your video adapter to obtain the latest driver for the adapter. To lower the display resolution:
1. | Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. |
2. | Double-click the Display icon, and then click the Settings tab. |
3. | In the Screen Area box, click a lower resolution, and then click OK. |
Description of the Cache Settings
There are four options under Check for newer versions of stored pages:
•Every visit to the page: When you return to a page you viewed previously, Internet Explorer should check to see whether the page changed since you last viewed it. If the page has changed, Internet Explorer displays the new page and stores it in the Temporary Internet Files. Note that selecting this option can slow down browsing between pages you have already viewed. Every time you start Internet Explorer: When you view a Web site that you have visited before in the same Internet Explorer session, Internet Explorer uses the cached temporary Internet files instead of downloading the page. If you press F5 or click Refresh, Internet Explorer downloads the page. •Automatically (Internet Explorer 5 and later only): This is the same as the previous setting, but with a logic algorithm to understand the habits of Web page behavior. This setting specifies that when you return to a page you viewed previously, Internet Explorer should not check to see whether the page has changed since you last viewed it.
If you select this setting, Internet Explorer checks for new content only when you return to a page that you viewed in an earlier session of Internet Explorer or on an earlier day. Over time, if Internet Explorer determines that images on the page are changing infrequently, it checks for newer images even less frequently. • Never: Internet Explorer does not check the Web server for newer content.
To View or Modify the Cache Settings
1. On the View menu, click Internet Options.
2. In the Temporary Internet Files section, click Settings.
3. Click the option you want, click OK, and then click OK.