Monday, May 25, 2009

Internet Speed Optimization

slow Internet connections, abrupt Internet failure to various nasty Web errors, anything can actually put you on a frustration curve. All online surfers will attest to the importance of their internet speed when they browse websites, download as well as upload files. Majority of the internet users have even upgrade their internet connectivity from dial up to broadband connection to enjoy faster surfing. But what are you going to so when you believe that you are not getting the right internet speed despite the upgrade?

You can always check if you are getting the right internet speed by visiting online speed test sites where you can subject your current speed using the tools available in the websites. In just a matter of a minute or two, you will be able to see what speed you are actually getting as compared to the speed your internet connectivity is provisioned for. You can also check both your download speed and upload speed.
There are several ways to optimize the browser, depending on what browser you are using. If you are using internet explorer version 7, all you have to do is to click on tools=>Internet Options=>delete browsing history>delete all=>Aplly.
tools=>Internet Options=>Security=>Internet,Local Intranet,Trusted Sites,Restricted Sites all=>Custom Level=>Apply
tools=>Internet Options=>Privacy=> check Block pop-ups=>Apply.
tools=>Internet Options=>Advanced=Restore Defaults=>Apply=>ok

You can also find several optimization software programs you can choose to download from the internet that will help you clear your unnecessary files and speed up your internet speed. These software programs will also usually include automation of clearing your system with unnecessary files, defragmenting your disk, prevent unwanted programs that start up automatically that will all help to speed up your connectivity.

So, when you think that you are not getting the right internet speed, don’t fret as the internet gives you powerful tools to check your connectivity issues after which you can do simple troubleshooting steps.

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