Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Installation steps of Java in Internet Explorer

Java technology is used to create animations and Web content, such as games or financial applications. Java program will be automatically downloaded to your computer when you do not use them usually require special facilities. To run Java programs to Internet Explorer, however, you must install the software Java. During the installation of Java, which is enabled by default security settings and configurations as possible.

To install Java, follow these steps:

1. Open Internet Explorer, click the Start button Picture of Start button, click Internet Explorer.
2. Back to
3. Click Free download Java. This should take into account the screen install Java. Require Administrator If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type your password and confirm it.
4. If the yellow Information Bar display (note that the site requires ActiveX controls or add-ons Sun Microsystems), click the yellow bar, and then install ActiveX controls or install others. When the security warning dialog, click Install.
5. Welcome dialog box, click the button to view the license agreement, read the agreement and then take if you want to install Java. (Please note that you can also change the Java installed in default location C: \ Program Files Documents \ Java options to change the target folder check box and follow the instructions below.)
6. In addition to Java, you can also install the toolbar MSN. MSN Toolbar to submit the name, warning and search tool from Microsoft. More information can be found on the main toolbar to MSN. To install the Toolbar, click the Privacy Terms of Use or button, and then read a statement. If you do not want to install the toolbar, uncheck the box next to the creation of new instruments MSN.
7. When you see a success dialog box, click Finish. Java and does not require the creation or renewal. If you have installed on the toolbar, MSN, and you will see when you open a new window or tab.
* This information also applies to Internet Explorer in Windows Vista works on Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003.
* To remove the Java software on your computer, uninstall it using the delete or change the procedures in the Control Panel Windows.

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